Legal Update Center

Legal Update Center

As we – and the industry at large – continue to navigate pending litigation, there will be a lot we cannot say or comment on. While this may feel frustrating at times, know and trust that we are being as transparent as possible and sharing whatever updates we can as soon as we can. Below are all of our legal updates shared with ABoR and Unlock MLS subscribers to date.

Member Communications Sent To Date

The following communications are privileged and confidential and should not be shared externally and/or with nonmembers.

Antitrust Resources

The following materials were prepared solely for ABoR members and Unlock MLS subscribers. They should not be shared externally and/or with nonmembers.


Sample Brokerage Antitrust Policy

Provided by ABoR's legal counsel, this model policy can be referenced by brokers to develop and/or update their own operational policies as they deem appropriate.


Broker Toolkit: Managing Risk

This toolkit provides resources and best practices that can help brokers tackle emerging risks in the housing market head-on and position their agents for success.