Raquel Madrid

Raquel Madrid

Raquel Madrid

Austin Board of Realtors
Member Success Associate

Raquel Madrid happily assists members with membership concerns, MLS related inquiries, continuing education questions, and tier I technical support. With over 10 years of experience in customer service and administration, Raquel is passionate about working with members to solve their concerns, enhance their understanding, and create a positive experience for them.

Prior to joining ABoR, she worked remotely in IT Help Desk support, providing technical assistance to insurance agents and their staff. She also gained experience at TCAD, where she updated sales and property information, conducted record searches, and worked directly with the public at the front desk.

Outside of work, Raquel enjoys spending time outdoors, attending sporting events and concerts, and volunteering through her local Parish. She loves that Austin is such a friendly community and has an amazing music scene.

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