If you feel that you have been treated unfairly by another REALTOR®, you may choose to file an ethics complaint with Texas REALTORS®. For disputes with agents who are not REALTORS®, you can file a complaint with the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC).
Before Filing a Complaint
Many difficulties between real estate professionals result from misunderstandings, miscommunication, or lack of adequate communication. Open, constructive discussion often resolves questions or differences, eliminating the need for further action.Your first step with any potential ethics violation should be to talk to your broker. Once your broker has been notified, they can then contact the broker of the other firm to discuss the situation and try to work out a solution.
How to File a Complaint
File a Complaint with Texas REALTORS®: If an agreement still cannot be reached, you can look up the agent and file a complaint with Texas REALTORS®. File a Complaint with TREC: If the agent is not a licensed REALTOR®, you can look them up on the TREC website and file a complaint.
How are Ethics Complaints Resolved?
Ombudsman Program
In some cases, a person may choose to take advantage of the Texas REALTORS® Ombudsman Program. An Ombudsman is a neutral, third-party REALTOR® volunteer who helps identify and clear up any miscommunication between the parties and discuss the options available to the complainant.
Mediation Process
The parties may also enter into a mediation process rather than the complaint process. About 80 percent of all cases that go to mediation are resolved. (Note: A complainant must first file an ethics complaint before being offered mediation as an alternative).
Arbitration Request
If a legal dispute arises between members or between members and a consumer, Texas REALTORS® offers an arbitration option that can be used in resolving complaints by members and the public. These services are a valuable alternative to costly litigation. Arbitration services help resolve contractual issues and questions that arise between members, between members and their clients, and, in some cases, between parties of a transaction brought about through the efforts of REALTORS®.